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展覽:「簾幕」Exhibition: Curtain


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Para Site藝術空間與上海外灘美術館榮幸宣佈兩間藝術機構將於全新大型群展「簾幕」中再度合作,開啓精彩的新篇章。群展「簾幕」將在2021年5月14日於香港的兩個展覽場地揭幕,包括Para Site藝術空間及上環的臨時展場。自2019年合作策劃的展覽「百物曲」起,Para Site藝術空間與上海外灘美術館開啟了一場持續且獨特的機構間對話與合作,「簾幕」正是這一合作的延續。

日期|2021.5.15 - 7.25

時間|星期三至星期日 下午12時至晚上7時 (星期一,星期二與公共假期休息)

地點|Para Site藝術空間、Soho House Hong Kong


Curtain the ob/scene

or what can happen beyond the scene besides the eye before language beneath the skin below the image on the surface

Curtain unfolded

allowing passages or separations filtering light, voices clothing bodies and furniture ornamenting a house, a skin absorbing smells, sounds reflecting shadows flowing with the wind breathing

Para Site and Rockbund Art Museum are thrilled to continue their fruitful collaboration with the new exhibition, Curtain, opening on 14 May 2021 at Para Site’s home and on 15 May 2021 at the institution’s temporary venue in Hong Kong’s Sheung Wan. Curtain is a continuation of the unique dialogue and partnership between the two institutions, which began in 2019 with An Opera for Animals that premiered at Para Site, with a jointly curated edition travelling to Rockbund Art Museum subsequently.

Date | 2021.5.15 - 7.25

Time | Wed - Sun 12 - 7pm (Mon, Tue & Public Holidays closed)

Venue | Para Site & Soho House Hong Kong


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